Allweatherblueprints is a registered trademark for its innovation and promotion of working drawings made with Tyvek* Ink Jet Banner Media.
Tyvek* is a registered trademark of DuPont for its brand of protective material.
Allweatherblueprints - Your Tyvek Supplier.
The above sheets are not for use in laser or electrostatic copiers due to the high temperatures involved in the printing units, which will melt Tyvek if a jam occurs. New cool-process laser
printers are compatible with Tyvek. Please contact your printer manufacturer to determine if your laser is a cool-process laser.
Tyvek Sheets for printing 18# 8 1/2"x11" Sheets - 25/packageItem# TSP1881125
DuPont* Tyvek* is a white, non-toxic, chemically inert, binder-free product. Tyvek* provides superior strength and resists wear, tear, and water damage. These outstanding qualities of Tyvek* are
familiar to customers across the globe!
Tyvek Sheets for printing 18# 8 1/2"x11" Sheets - 25/package