We take great pleasure in introducing ourselves as a leading manufacturer of ball pen tips and refills in Northen India.We have been in this line for the last 35 years and have gained enough
experience and expertise to offer quality and variety found acceptable to our domestic as well as overseas customers.We have a perfect combination of latest swiss machines, sophisticated testing
and control equipments, high standard raw material and hi-tech expertise to produce world class precision ball point tips. Our greatest strength also lies in the fact that our proprietor is highly
qualified mechanical engineer from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi which ensures that our products shall be highest technical & world class standards.A glance at this site would reveal the
range of products that are currently being produced. Most of the refills can be tailor-made in overall length varing from 85mm to 145mm depending on the specific requirements of our customers. We
ensure highest quality & standard by constantly regulating the machine efficiency and condition & through frequent and highly advanced quality control procedures without any compromises.
We take great pleasure in introducing ourselves as a leading manufacturer of ball pen tips and refills in Northen India.