Dear Sir / Madam, Re: Partnership OpportunityPlease allow me to introduce myself. I am Ivan Leung based in Hong Kong, started a sourcing & merchandising company named Novetec group mainly focusing
on sourcing, merchandising products from China, Asia, etc.I have had over 25 years experience in procurement, sourcing, merchandising, engineering, quality and corporate management, as well
handling wide ranges of products, i. E. , office supplies, stationeries, computer accessories, bumbling, industrial & hardgoods, etc. Moreover, the continue update of sourcing practice in the Far
East and build up broad supplier data base in varies industries should certainly be a valuable asset to fulfill the sourcing needs. I obtained your company details from web search and would venture
to ask if we could build up some business relationship, an agent, etc. over sourcing, merchandising, engineering support, etc. to extend your business growth. Hope my proposal can be of your
interest. Please let me have your email address and I will then send you the Novetec Group details together with my background highlights, for your perusal. Look forward to hearing from you
Dear Sir / Madam,
Re: Partnership Opportunity
Please allow me to introduce myself.
I am Ivan Le