The Concrete Calculator is an easy and productive tool for the analysis and design of reinforced concrete cross sections. It allows to determine the resistance or the reinforcement of a section in
mere seconds.The Concrete Calculator is used as a stand-alone application or in combination with the SAFI analysis and design program. It supports the American ACI-318- 2002 code, the Canadian
CAN/CSA-A23.3-M94 code, the Egyptian design code ECC-1995 and the Canadian bridge design code CAN/CSA-S6-2000.The Concrete Calculator is made to provide quick answers to common problems without the
overhead of a full structural design program. It is a very handy and productive tool associated with the SAFI Concrete program.The Concrete Calculator designs the required reinforcement bars of
rectangular, T, L and I sections as well as one-way slabs in pure bending. The program allows the design for a given reinforcement ratio and provides compression reinforcement when required.The
Concrete Calculator designs the required reinforcement bars of rectangular and circular sections in combined compression and bending or tension and bending. The program allows to specify a target
reinforcement ratio and calculates the optimal column dimensions. Second order effects such as lateral drift and member stability are taken into account when requested. The interaction diagrams for
the calculated reinforcement bars is also provided as output.The Concrete Calculator designs the required reinforcement bars of rectangular, T, L and I sections in shear and torsion. The program
allows to design using straight or inclined stirrups as well as series or bundled bent bars. The program accounts for axial forces, equilibrium torsion as well as compatibility torsion.In
situations where the reinforcement is known, the program calculates the resistance of the cross section and corresponding data such as stresses in concrete and reinforcement bars and reinforcement
ratios.Libraries of standard metric and imperial material properties are available. Customized materials can also be created.Analysis and design results are summarized on screen. Detailed reports
are also available in Microsoft Word format.
The Concrete Calculator is an easy and productive tool for the analysis an