At Nanojet Ink we feel An important distinction has to be made between the 3rd party ink suppliers who have the welfare and prosperity of the overall inkjet industry as high priorities, and those
who launch product onto the market for short term economic gains with little regard to adding any tangible benefit to the industry.
We at Nanojet Ink feel that by investing as we have over the last 3 years, keeping up this level of support and some, for Research and Development, investing in training and quality, intends to be
at the forefront of ink development for the long term. does not intend to have a lock in approach in fact the opposite is closer to our intended business model.
As Nanojet Ink utilizes processes not seen within the graphics industry, we feel that application for international Patents can be viewed as a monopoly of the industry, something we believe is not
good for the end consumer ( our customers ) Nanojet Ink does intend to have patent protection on many of the processes but licenses to utilize the processes will be made available to relevant third
parties, without prejudice and for often a Joint venture opportunity will suffice as remuneration.