Utilizing our Clever Chemistry, E-Z Cleaners has the most aggressive cleaner available for extreme cleaning issues involving hard setting solvent and UV inks. Environmentally safe and user friendly E-Z Clean Pressman Gel attacks and suspends these difficult inks preventing the inks from re-depositing onto the roller once cleaned. As with all our products there are no dangerous chemicals or heavy metal caustics are used in our products.
Pressman Gel - SOLVENT & UV INKS
Available in 16 ounce bottles to 5 gallon refill pails.
With the primary design of cleaning rollers in press, E-Z Clean Pressman Paste is the perfect creamy consistency with absorbant grit needed to stay on the roller while rinsing clean. Once Pressman Paste encapsulates the ink it prevents it from redepositing it back onthe roller. The product will not separate or clump in the bottle and is easily dispensed.
E-Z Clean Pressman Paste is a revolutionary cleaner for hand cleaning anilox rollers in and out of press