Many options are available for automatic viscosity control. Please consult your Graymills representative or the factory for a consultation.
Graymills is the exclusive North American distributor of Fasnacht Viscosity Controls.
Improved print quality, consistently uniform color and greater ink mileage are benefits of automatic viscosity control.
There is industry agreement that viscosity control is essential for maintaining ink tolerance and print quality. Variation in viscosity causes a significant change in both solvent and water-based
ink properties affecting color, printability, fade resistance, drying and ink consumption.
Print quality and material costs are far too important to be left to the inconsistencies of hand viscosity control, even on short runs. The pressman's time and human judgment significantly impact
the accuracy of the results. Automatic viscosity control continually monitors and corrects viscosity, thus eliminating the need for constant attention by the already busy press operator. Controlled
viscosity promotes uniform quality, which ultimately reduces waste.
Improved print quality, consistently uniform color and greater ink mileage are benefits