Know-how and service just in time As the demand for colourful, flexible packaging continues to grow, so do the demands of the customers. We help our printers do this by supplying them not only with
our continuously improved products, but also with a comprehensive service package that is right up with the state-of-the-art in printing techniques. And we offer you this technical know-how
wherever and whenever you need it. Widest range of packaging inks& As a manufacturer of high quality printing inks, Micro Inks is playing a leading role in creating solutions that meet the demands
of discerning packaging printers. Special inks for food packaging, out-door exposure and low odour inks. Continuous research and development ensures that our products are always state-of-the-art.
We offer a wide range of 'ink systems' to meet diverse printing conditions - water based, solvent based and inks based on different resin systems.
As a manufacturer of high quality printing inks, Micro Inks is playing a leading role in creating solutions