This free Generator 3of9 is ideal for use by individuals, organizations, nonprofit, military and government, schools, colleges and universities.
Forever freeware. Free to anyone including commercial use, re-distribution, shareware and freeware site uploads is allowed.
Code 3 of 9 is the most common type bar code. Though it is not the UPC bar code found at the grocery stores.
This Barcode 3 of 9 Generator is limited by the ability to use high caps and characters only. Low caps is not available. The re-sizing of the bar code is also not available in this freeware version. If these are important features that you need, consider our .
VersaBar Free barcode Generator is a that lets you print your own barcodes in Windows as easily as "Copy and Paste." You can use the barcode for inventory, itemize your price lists, etc ...
Free for commercial use, re-distribution, shareware and freeware site uploads
Free to anyone including commercial use, re-distribution, shareware and freeware site uploads is allowed.