INK ROLLER/CARTRIDGESInk Cartridges are manufactured from special imported bonded cellulose Fibres, which have a solid highly durable porous structure. It can withstand temperature up to 120 degree
C. The ink cartridge are made from 5 micron material have much high absorbing capacity of ink and reinking is not frequent as in woolen felt cartridge/poly porous cartridges.The Cartridges are
suitable for various coding Machines/ FFS Machines and other marking system attached to different packing machines available in market.The roller are covered with cotton sleeves to prevent sticking
of fibres to the rubber/polymer marking stereos and to the surface to be marked.BLISTER PACK ROLLER/CARTRIDGESThe aluminum body cartridge are made for Blister packaging machine, FFS machines &
Coding machines. The absorbing material used is POLY POROUS in various microns varying from 1 micron to 25 micron to 25 micron depending on requirement of customers. The absorbing capacity of these
cartridge is quite high & the cartridges are hard so the impression is good. Cotton cloth knitted sleeves (Covering ) are used to avoid direct contact of stereo with roller. The cartridges are made
in various ID, OD's & Length depending on customer requirement . The max OD can be up to 65 mm, Length up to 1 meter. ID can be adjusted as per requirements.
Ink Cartridges are manufactured from special imported bonded cellulose Fibres