Reconditioning - Inks dry by absorption into a porous material or by evaporation. If an ink evaporates quickly on your product, it will do the same on your pad. Inks designed to work on nonporous surfaces often dry quickly on the pad and need to be thinned or "reconditioned" before they can continue to be used. If the ink is a pigment type, the ink will crust on the pad making reconditioning a necessity. Most inks have a special recondioner that should be ordered when you buy the ink.
We can also cross reference many of the old Willard Marking Devices Willmark inks.
variety of general purpose inks that will meet most of your needs. Specialized ink such as Acid Etching or Epoxy ink or quantities not shown are available on special order. Many inks come in sizes other than those we stock, contact us for further details.
in stock a variety of general purpose inks that will meet most of your needs
in stock a variety of general purpose inks that will meet most of your needs |