AudiophileMC-systems developed on the occasion of the 66th Anniversaryof EMTHalf-openedcasing made from and milled out of a massive block of purest specialaluminium. Gold-plated system components.
Normed ?- inchstandard fastening for the use with every high-quality tone arm.Both types use a bare diamond stylus, the JSD 5 in Gyger S, theJSD 6 in Super Fineline version.The JSD series was not
only developedand optimised in the laboratory but mainly in practice, partlywith the assistance of committed test-listeners who used theirown records and partly by using legendary old record
players andalso the most modern ones, as well as multitude tone arms duringextensive listening and comparative tests.Great importance wasgiven to maintaining the typical characteristics of EMT,
stressingin particular the know-how which is based on the large experienceof our specialists. Special attention has also been given to theconsistent use of non-exotic materials.Some of the first
feed-backis given below:the best EMT cartridge ever; not only haveall the outstanding qualities of the legendary version been adopted,but several details have remarkably been
improvedextraordinarilygood body balance and performanceexcellent soundstageFor the history of EMT, pleaseclickhere.SpecificationsTip VersionJSD5JSD6Gyger SSuper FinelineTracking Force2.2 -
2.5pImpedance2 x 20 Ohm approx.Output level at 1kHz(for 5 cm/s rms recorded velocity)2 x 1 mV,+/- 2dBFrequency response20 to 30,000 HzCompliance2 x 1 mV,+/- 2dBConnectiongold plated pinsWeight11 g
aprox.Recommended load=/>100 OhmRecommended tone arm mass>15 g up to 35 g
MC-systems developed on the occasion of the 66th Anniversary
of EMT
casing made from and milled out of a