*Please indicate flavor and strength preference during checkout. If not, we will send you the standard flavor & strength.
Virginia high/ medium/ low/ none
Vanilla high/ medium/ low/ none
555 high/ medium/ low/ none
Tobacco high/ medium/ low/ none
Cherry high/ medium/ low/ none
Coffee high/ medium/ low/ none
Mint high/ medium/ low/ none
Chocolate high/ medium/ none
Flavors & Strengths
Most popular flavors: Tobacco, Mint, Vanilla, Coffee
All cartridges are the same price, no matter which model you need to fit them for. Please select from the drop down menu, which model you need the cartridges for, and what color for the model. You must also write in the text box, what flavor you require. Please note, any and all orders which do not specify flavor. The Following is a list of available Flavors and Strengths.
Price: $70.00 per Lot of 100
Product Summary Price: $70.00 per Lot of 100