Screen Mesh - recommended 250-350 mesh/inch or 100-140 mesh/cm. Squeeze - A sharp polyurethane squeeze of shore hardness of 60-65 is recommended. The volumes ofdilutionsalvent-10-20% We can mix
calaurs to obtain specific colours far customers for this service, please provide us with printed articles, netfarm colourand ink sample for reference. The instruction and data are obtained
according to experiments result for the difference of practical environment the practical printing result may be different from the data. In practical printing, effeetsat environment should be
considered recommended that all printing materials must be tested before actual mass production. Used Recommended Reducer -RP-291 -Regal Reducer -PP-691 -Pentium Reducer -PG-491 - Prince Reducer
-PB-791 -Poly Reducer -RP-290-Regal Retader