Color Range: CMYK+ LcLm+ OrGr + White. LcLm are for good blend and gradient, especially when its need to get photographic quality and natural colors; OrGr makes colors more saturated and extend the gamut. White colour makes it possible to print on materials that are of different colours, even on transparent!!!
Order new SUNFLOWER inks to have a bright image and intact printheads! Your clients will be pleased as well as your printer!!
Now all the main ink formulas will be produced with the use of nanotechnologies. Besides everything above-listed nanotechnology allows to get stability of ink behavior in printheads, increase shelf life and resistance to external factors. And of course ink with nanoparticles favour cleaning the printheads! So when using such inks lifetime of printheads increase to 30%!!!
The main advantage for our clients the tint increased. The picture becomes brighter! As nanoparticles are round-shaped they play a role of light diffusing lens and due to this the glow effect takes place.
Nanochemicals which we use are consists of solid microspheres comparing in firm sense with diamonds. Being round-shaped these microspheres extremely augument inks fluidity. If nozzles are blocked up ordinary ink can not traverse, but ink with nanoparticles pass through easily. Besides they clean up the nozzles not damaging printheads.
Sun Company has already finished testing of inks based on nanotechnology.
The SunFlower solvent Inks are for POP displays, billboard applications, outdoor signage, street furniture, durable graphics, Ink give a good adhesion and compatibility with an extensive range of coated and uncoated substrates. The different series of SunFlower Solvent Inks are designed for different types of print heads. Ink compatible with XAAR, Spectra, Konica-Minolta and Seiko printheads.
Sunflower Silver
XAAR 128-80, 126-80
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black