Lookingforward to receiving you inquiries.
* The inks are suitable forHeat Transfer also - as you must be aware that no other PVC Free inksare suitable for Transfers.
*Theinks do not Clog the screens.
* Also suitable for children's garments.
* The Inks have very good Fastness to Washing, Cracking, Light,Perspiration, and Saliva etc.
* Apart from being PVC FREE, these inks are Free from Phthalates,Heavy Metals, AZO, Formaldehyde, Volatile Organic Compounds, PCP-TCP,Pesticides, etc. These Inks can be considered very ECO Friendly.
* The curing Time and temperature is lower than PVC BasedPlastisol Inks, Water-based inks - thereby considerably saving a lot of Power,Time and Money.
Highlights of FUSION ACRYSOL Inks.:
We introduce ourselves as one of the oldest manufacturers ofPrinting Inks in Chennai (Madras), INDIA. We are extremely pleased to introducea very successful FUSION ACRYSOL - PVC - PHTHALATE Free Textile inks, which OILbased and not water based (which contain Volatile Organic Compounds - Solvents)but the properties and printing methods just like Plastisol Inks. FUSIONACRYSOL is Environment Friendly and is a perfect substitute and replacement forPVC based Plastisol Inks, which harms the environment.
PVC Free Phthalate Free Oil based Plastisol Ink for Heat Transfer, Tagless Labels etc. Excellent Wash fastness.