VT 595 Projector
Display Technology 0.6" LCD
Resolution XGA 1024 x 768
Video Color System NTSC, NTSC4.43, PAL, PAL-60, PAL-M, PAL-N, SECAM
Lens 1.0 to 1.2 (optical) Manual F-number, f-number : F=1.7 to 2.07 mm,
f=18.9 to 22.7mm
Screen size 21 300 in, .53 7.6 m
Luminance 2000 ANSI Luminance (Normal), 1600 ANSI Luminance (ECO)
Contrast ratio 600:1
Input terminals
RGB 1 (analog) 15 pin
RGB 2 15-pin (VT491)
Video 1 RCA
Video 2 S-Video
Audio 1 L/R RCA
Output terminals Audio Out Variable Audio Out (VT491)
Monitor Out Yes
Power Source 100 - 240V, 2.9A
Power consumption 255W (Normal ) / 205W(ECO)
Fan noise 34 dB normal / 29 dB eco
Lamp life 2000 hours normal / 3000 hours eco
(WxHxD) 12.2 x 10.2 x 4.4 in, 309 x 258 x 112 mm
Weight 6.4 lbs, 2.9 kg
warranty 2 years
Lamp warranty 500 hrs/90 days
Luminance 2000 ANSI Luminance (Normal), 1600 ANSI Luminance (ECO)