Optoma EP761 - Powerful and Stylish in a compact design; the native XGA resolution carries features and connections perfect for business and home entertainment use. With Six segment color wheel and
Optoma proprietary TrueVivid" color enhancement technology, EP761 definitely impress you with its capability to deliver amazing, deep vibrant colors on presentations and video graphics! 3100 ANSI
Lumens of Brightness, Contrast Ratio of 2200:1 Optoma proprietary TrueVivid" color enhancement technology affords better balanced chrominance and luminance for life-like colors giving the viewer
the ultimate visual experience Built-in professional video processor & advanced motion adaptive de-interlacing HDTV compatible up to 1080i Easy lamp replacement design - makes the replacement of
lamp easy especially for those ceiling mounted projectors Specially light engine design for extended lamp life (4000 hours / ECO mode) AV mute function and lens protection with slide door design
Extensive input/output options, including DVI-D with HDCP interface Digital vertical image shift and keystone correction for perfect image Optoma exclusive Photocatalysis (O2air") techology -
Purifies air, giving users a more comfortable environment Full featured remote control (remote mouse / laser pointer / key pad lock)
Optoma EP761 - Powerful and Stylish in a compact design; the native XGA resolution carries features and connections perfect for