In order for SANYO to shorten the projection distance of its projectors, new large diameter aspheric lens and high-precision aspheric mirror technology was developed. SANYO also developed a new
optical engine, enabling an 80 inch projection from the short distance of only 8 cm*2. Through this, large projections from a short distance are possible, and projection is possible even in tight
or small meeting rooms, creating a meeting opportunity in any room or space that is available.
PLC-XL51 achieve a bright 2,700 lumens thanks to a number of advanced technologies in their optical engine and a 275W lamp.
With new optical engine,PLC-XL51 provides high reliability and high cntrast ratio of 1200:1. It is improved for use in degital signage which demands projectors long time projection and
beautiful color reproduction.
PLC-XL51 achieve a bright 2,700 lumens thanks to a number of advanced technologies in their optical engine and a 275W lamp.