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If your Dell 2400MP Projector or part requires replacement due to a problem covered by the Dell limited warranty, the Advanced Exchange program helps you get up and running as soon as possible! If after telephone troubleshooting with Dell Technical Support, it is determined that your projector has a problem requiring replacement and your call was placed before 5PM local time, you will be shipped a replacement system or part in most cases by the next business day. You can ship the defective unit back to Dell in the packaging provided, so you can be up and running for your next presentation in no time. This service is included as a standard offering for the duration of the warranty period.
The Dell 2400MP incorporates the latest generation of DLP technology with LVDS data transmission technology which increases the switching speed of the DLP chip for enhanced video performance. The 2400MP combines super high brightness, DarkChip3 and BrilliantColor the latest in color reproduction technology from Texas Instruments to deliver the ultimate in projector performance.
Dell 2400MP Projector
Product Name : Dell Projector 2400MP
Product Code : Dell 2400MP
Market Price : Rs. 78125
Our Price Rs. 67250
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