Spymodex is proud to offer the next generation of portable high power laser technology. Unlike normal 1mW lasers pointers, we have the latest high power (up to 250mW) 532nm green lasers to impress
even the serious professional. These are not toy's! The light can burst balloon's, melt plastic, light matches and have a range of up to 100 miles! Click here to see the laser burst balloon video
or here to see the laser light a match. Our green laser's are so powerful, you not only see the dot but can clearly see the entire beam stretching through the sky. These lasers are not modified in
any way but built to handle the power shown. Some of our laser pointers outstanding features include: genuine up to 1.5 watt laser diodes, shock resistant, passive thermal cooling and advanced pump
and driver assembly. Our range of powerful green lasers make red lasers a thing of the past and at a price that's affordable.
Our range of very high power laser pointers ranging from 30mW - 200mW of extreme power.