This nearly business card sized calendar is padded (glued along the top edge) onto thin cardboard and has no adhesive strip on the back. Best of all, it is done completely in black ink--not one
speck of red ink is found on it! Holidays are noted with gray shading on the date. The monochromatic coloring keeps the focal point on the colors you choose for your overall project design, no
color clashing occurs. The plain version of the calendar can be mounted to a larger card stock design with adhesive or merely slipped into an existing wallet insert where a calendar is needed. We
also provide the calendar with a stampable cover! This smaller surface works well with the many small images that are available now. This little cover allows you make the calendar into a tiny
standalone gift that the recipient can easily slip into their wallet! We sell our calendars three to a package. For our international customers, we have created this calendar without any Holidays
noted. This allows you to denote Holidays of your choice. The easiest way to achieve this is to apply ink to the eraser of a new wooden pencil. The eraser makes a great little circle of color.
Holidays can be done in one color, birthdays in another!