Rainbow Perpetual Calendar

Leap years have two colors. First color corresponds only to January and February, the second color corresponds to the other months. So, 2000 year is leap, its colors are dark blue and violet. Dark blue is for January and February. So for March we use violet color. On the violet stripe above the name March we see the layout, where e.g. 8 is Wednesday. So, 2000, March 8 is Wednesday.

In the table below find the YEAR's color. Refer this color to the stripe in the table above, find the name of the MONTH on this stripe and above it this MONTH'S LAYOUT. 2005 is dark blue, on the dark blue stripe find the April's name and above it the April's layout, where e.g. 15th is Friday.

Leap years have two colors.

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  • Country:Ukraine
  • telephone:380-93-0313191
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