Above all, AVIFOOD range of PVC Films help to enhance the presentation of the packed good to the final customer!
Packagingin the form of clamshells and trays for takeaways, fast foods andsingle-portion packaging has become hugely popular and common, not justin developed countries but also developing
countries. Due to itseconomies, transparency and barrier properties, PVC Film is the mostcommon plastic used for packaging food products.
Packing food products in packages made of AVIFOOD films ensureslong-lasting freshness, longer shelf life, better colour retention andsuperior odour protection. Excellent moisture and gas
barrierproperties ensure minimal spoilage and long life.
AVIFOOD is a special grade of Rigid PVC Filmsmanufactured by Avi Vinyl for packaging foods for longevity. Superiorhygiene and lowest migration levels ensure that the PVC film isnon-toxic and safe for the food products, which are prevented fromgetting contaminated in any form.
Food Packaging
Model Number: | AVIFOOD |
Place of Origin: | Maharashtra India |
Use: | Snack |
Industrial Use: | Food |
Plastic Type: | PVC |
Material: | Plastic |