KH PACK BR is a wood free, white, machine finished wrapping paper with basic resistance against the penetration of grease and water.
The technical characteristics of KH PACK BR are the result of one or both sides special online coating process.
KH PACK BR is recommended to use for primary packaging of foods with the low content of fat. It is possible to laminate KH PACK BR with other materials such as aluminum foil, plastic foil, paper
and corrugated board.
The advantage of KH PACK BR is excellent runability (cutting, rewinding, folding and gluing). For gluing common synthetic adhesives or adhesives based on modified starches could be used. KH PACK BR
is suitable for printing, using standard printing techniques.
The health compliance and the suitability for primary food packaging is certified by ISEGA.
KH PACK BR is fully recyclable.
KH Pack BR has been developed for wrapping of dry food items with low and medium grease content.