Gift and Party packaging is made up of various products, below you will find some of our product range.
Greeting cards, wedding invitations, hand made envelopes, ribbons, hand drawn and printed ribbons, bows, organza bags, organza bows, angel hair, gift bags in various sizes and colours, glossy Coro
bags, striped carry bags, hand printed gift bags, hat boxes, box and lids, plastic boxes, ribbon gift boxes, window gift boxes, rope gift boxes, fold-up boxes, corrugated gift boxes, Savoy boxes,
zebra boxes, six corner boxes, handmade gift boxes, printed or plain corrugated gift boxes, laminated gift boxes, wine boxes and bags, material roses, tissue wrap, wrapping paper, cellophane wrap,
frosted and printed glasses, champagne glasses, sand blasted and embossed glasses, designer tins.
In addition to our gift packaging showroom we have a industrial division as well, here commodities such as moving boxes, tapes, stretch and cling
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Gift & Party Packaging