Green Fiesta Pvt Ltd. aspires to celebrate the bounties of nature through pure food and drink.
About us
Unsaponifiable matter : <1%
Iodine Value : 96-112
Saponification Value : 168-176
Sediments : NIL
FFA : <1%
Certification: USDAs NOP, EU 2092/91, NSOP
Only certified organic Mustard Oil
Organic mustard oil has more antioxidants and vitamins as compared to normal oil, thus preventing early ageing, with no presence of synthetic or pesticides residues.Organic mustard oil prevents stomach and blood related ailments.
Mustard oil is extracted from certified organic mustards, grown by committed marginal farmers in the nature-friendly way. It has the natural flavor of Mustard.
About our product
Our product is organic as per international standards,free of adulterants and good for health.