We offer custom made security packaging solutions to provide the best possible solutions to safe guard your products against all proven methods of tamper attack. Our tamper evident
security bags are single-trip polythene security bags with an easy to use closure seal that offers tamper evident security against ALL known methods of attack. Once the bags are
sealed any unauthorized attempts to break the seal will cause the universal OPEN / VOID message to appear. Print along the sealed edges will also show any attempts to
interfere. Each bag can be printed in up to 6 colors with a unique sequential number and high resolution bar code for use in track and trace systems with a receipt and
multi-lingual instructions. A minimum order quantity of 10,000 applies.
Tamper evident security bags are recommended for use in high-risk situations such as handling cash, cheques, share certificates and other sensitive items. They are designed for
providing the highest possible level of protection and as such are used by the police for police evidence and forensic scientists for forensic evidence, by the banking, retail and
security industry for cash deposits. They are also ideal for anyone wishing to send highly confidential documentation such as the legal profession, government or military.
Retails cash bag
Bank Coins Bag
Security Envelope for confidential documents
Hotel valuable
Mailing of exam papers
Government / Inter Department Mail