HEWAS KeepFresh ? Bags | |
The secret retaining the freshness of fruits, vegetables and plants is in the retardation of Ethylene gases released with decomposition, ripening or natural aging of harvested produce. Take away those gases, and you extend by a whole lot more, the shelf life and the natural freshness of these products (items)! That is where HEWAS KeepFresh ? provides a safe and reliable solution that WORKS. | |
"KeepFresh" utilizes a naturally occurring mineral infused with the Low Density Polyethylene material of these bags that has the amazing property of completely absorbing and removing the gases from the immediate environment where you store your produce or plants. Whether your storage is in a refrigerator or on a shelf or cupboard, for as long as the bag is sealed well with no airplay allowed on your fruits, vegetables or plants, it stays fresh much, much longer than is normally possible. | |
The advantages in using HEWAS KeepFresh ?: Each bag may be used several times-simply rinse (use no soap), dry and re-use ! You contribute to saving the environment and save money as well! You help eliminate post harvest waste that far too often creates problems in transportation and storage! They cost a lot less than you would pay for other bags with similar claims! |
Notably, the naturally occurring mineral that is the active ingredient in HEWAS PE bags is completely safe for use in food-associated packaging and have passed stringent international requirements such as demanded by the FDA (US) and applicable standards in Europe, conforming with 91/155/EEC Regulations. | |
What can you store in HEWAS KeepFresh ? Bags ? | |
Almost anything you would like to keep fresh for longer, like apples, apricots, avocados, asparagus, bananas, berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cherries, cucumber, eggplant, grapefruit, grapes, radish, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes, onions, celery herbs, and . Well, the list is only limited by your imagination ! Even cut flowers will benefit from being packed in HEWAS KeepFresh ? Bags. | |
How you can make the best use of HEWAS KeepFresh ? Bags? | |
Make certain the product or produce is dry before being placed in the bag. Fresh produce will need to be washed and rinsed in the usual way before being used. If the produce has been washed before being stored, then you would need to be sure it is totally dry before being placed in the bag. If moisture does build in the bag after placing produce in the bag, just wipe away the moisture with a paper towel so the contents remain as dry as possible during storage. | |
Use only ONE bag for a particular type of produce, e.g. just one bag for apples, and another for lettuce and so on. Cut Flowers may be preserved longer by placing the entire arrangement in a bag or pulling a bag over the flowers and the top of the vase that is to be displayed later. When the produce is in the bag, just fold the top over and make certain the air has been expelled to a certain degree and make sure no air can enter. Keep that folded end secure all through the time of storage. There is no need to seal it too tightly; and make certain you do not use twist ties-they can make tiny holes in the bag, which will affect its efficiency. |
Use only ONE bag for a particular type of produce, e.g. just one bag for apples, and another for lettuce and so on.