Our company specializes in manufacturing and supply of ?Big-Bag?.
Big Bag - a bag of large size and heavy-duty, having slings. It is produced from polypropylene UV - stabilized tissue and can be laminated or may contain a plastic liner. The advantage of big a bag
- the minimum weight of the packaging capacity of up to 2000 kg. Big bags of various versions differ in the capacity (0,5-4,5 m3), loading capacity (500-2000kg).
Advantages of soft containers (big-bag) over other types of packaging:
* Wide range of
* Diversity of design options
* Light weight (for load-carrying capacity up to 2000 kg)
* Price low
* Repeated use
* The possibility of processing
* Minor loss of cargo at all stages of treatment
* Ease of loading
* Convenience for storage and transportation
* Ability to store goods in open areas
* The possibility of transporting any type of transport
* Environment
One of the main directions of our company is the production of containers for bulk cargo "Big-Bag".