Wayamba Coco Peat offers excellent products for Hydroponics Crop Production. Coco peat
grow bags are used as plant substrates for soil less cultivation,
largely used in greenhouses for growing vegetables such as Tomatoes,
Paprika, Cucumber, Strawberries and cut flower production (e.g.,
Carnation, Rose, Lisianthus, Gerberas,Chrysanthemum)We are fully
equipped to supply to customers specific needs in dimensions, expanded
volume, as well as physical structure of the product to ensure required
water and air holding capacities,part distribution etc.And further we
will consider large volume orders as well as small orders, Big or Small,
we help and protect them all
Contact us:
General Manager,
Sri Lanka.
Tel : 0094-75-0557883
Fax : 0094-37-2229732
WCP Grow bags offers excellent products for Hydroponics Crop Production