Part Number Size Color Gauge Pack Price Cases
810PP 8 in. x 10 in. Clear 3 mil 250/case $39.00/case
810PPG 8 in. x 10 in. Opaque 3 mil 250/case $39.00/case
912PP 9 in. x 12 in. Clear 3 mil 250/case $45.00/case
912PPG 9 in. x 12 in. Opaque 3 mil 250/case $45.00/case
1218PP 12 in. x 18 in. Clear 3 mil 250/case $74.00/case
1218PPG 9 in. x 12 in. Opaque 3 mil 250/case $74.00/case
1520PP 15 in. x 20 in. Clear 3 mil 250/case $99.00/case
Alert Personal Property Bag: Products & Pricing
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Please note that all of our products (including any customized items) are only accessible in our shopping cart. To view all of our products, please click on this link and login. If you have not
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The Security Solution for Everyone's Protection.
Collection, storage and transfer of personal belongings is a serious responsibility. The Alert Personal Property Security Bag is designed specifically to provide a high level of security and
accountability. The Alert Personal Property Bag combines features like dual consecutive serial numbers and tamper evident tape closure to afford security protection to the owner as well as the
property manager.
The unique Alert Continuous Security roll form maintains each successive Alert Personal Property Bag in numerical order - another security feature which provides for accounting of each bag in use.
For details on the security features of the Alert Personal Property Bag, click on the bag to the right.
The Alert Personal Property Bag is designed with a write-on information block for recording the contents and owner's identification. Click on the image to the right to view the details of the
information block.
Personal Property Bag
Information Block
Click for Details
Your choice of a personal property security bag is a critical decision. Samples of the Alert Personal Propery Security Bag are available free of charge for your evaluation.
The Security Solution for Everyone's Protection.