World wide delivery within 3 - 7 days with online shipment tracking.
Each tea bag will only cost US$ 0.34 inclusive of shipping within days of harvest
One Gotu Kola Tea bags can be brewed over three times.Just keep pouring hot water after you finish drinking each cup. With each steep another element of the flavour could be enjoyed
Gotukola is known to improve memory function, concentration, immunity and as a remedy for catarrh and sinus ailments.
Gotu kola tea has been used in Ayurveda for centuries. Gotu Kola Tea is an authentic Ayurvedic dietary supplement which is used to maintain normal skin condition, improve cognitive functions, promote cardiovascular & circulatory stystem, and to support the immune system. |
Gotu Kola Tea bags 25 x 4 $18.00
Gotu kola tea has been used in Ayurveda for centuries. Gotu Kola Tea is an authentic
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