BioGrass is different. All sod is not the same. What makes BioGrass different? It's the scientific processes that happen behind the scenes at BioGrass Test Farms, where we continually research and compare new varieties and combinations in diverse conditions. BioGrass is Beautiful. All BioGrass products are the result of scientifically formulated seed mixes that are field and laboratory tested to achieve specific criteria. That includes rich color, lush texture and durability. And a BioGrass lawn will look beautiful not just when its installed, but for many years to come. BioGrass is Carefully Formulated. The science behind BioGrass products goes beyond beautiful surface characteristics. BioGrass products are specifically designed and adapted for the climate and environment of the Intermountain West. With proper care, they will be resistant to environmental stresses and climactic changes all year long. BioGrass is Environmentally Sound. BioGrass products are selectively bred to be inherently resistant to a variety of surface-feeding insects. This cuts down on the use of pesticides. And thanks to excellent color characteristics, our grasses often require less fertilizer. Properly maintained, they will naturally develop strong and deep root systems. In addition, certain BioGrass products are designed for lower water consumption, an issue of ever-greater importance in Utah and throughout the West.
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