We take pride in our uniquely designed carrier bags. We will design your carrier bags to complement your company logo. We offer various sizes and will advise you on the best size for your product specification i.e. wine bottles, clothes and/or accessories . |
Our bags are not only sophisticated in look and feel, but also durable and strong. We custom design your bags according to its usage. Your customer reuses this bag and therefore markets your company everywhere they go. FREE MARKETING AND ADVERTISING WORTH INVESTING IN! We offer a large variety of sizes, shapes and finishes in High Gloss or Matt Laminate. |
We design your image or you can provide us with a copy. We will then advise on production possibilities |
We take pride in our uniquely designed carrier bags. We will design your carrier bags to complement your company logo.
We take pride in our uniquely designed carrier bags. We will design your carrier bags to complement your company logo. |