We manufacture flexible film bags in different materials to a wide variety of specifications, such as:-" Sideweld" Heatseal" Lapseal/finseal" Side or bottom gusset" Wicketted" Euroslot with header"
Seal/reseal strip" Punched holes Can't find the bag size you want?No problem! As bag manufacturers, we can make any bag specifically to meet your requirements - we can combine any material,
construction and specification. SNAPPIE Bags Ex StockSideweld polypropylene bags available in plain, multi-perforated or with pearlised back/clear front. Wicketted in 250s/boxed in 2000s.Stock
sizes:" 150x200mm (6x8")" 150x300mm (6x12") " 150x250mm (6x10")" 150x350mm (6x14") " 200x250mm (8x10")" 250x300mm (10x12")" 300x400mm (12x16")" Other sizes to orderBREAD Bags Ex StockSideweld
multi-perforated polypropylene bags. Wicketted in 250s/boxed in 2000s.Stock sizes:" 150x810mm (Large Baguette)" 150x710mm (Standard Baguette)" 150x450mm (Half Baguette)" 250x300mm" 250x350mm"
280x500mm" Other sizes to order - La BAGUETTE BagStandard 3-colour print design available in two sizes ex stock:-150 x 710mm (Standard baguette)150 x 810mm (Large Baguette)Maintain and increase
your market share by improving presentation. Let our printed bags enhance your baguettes without you having the hassle and cost of new printing plates and large order quantities. Just call off as
and when you need them.