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All our Products are Made in Europe. We guarantee for our Quality Products.
MONOFIL BAGS Bags for agriculture made of PE monofil twine.Bags for packing agriculture products made from polyethilene monofil twines are made in dimensions
Raschel bags on rolls are used for automatic packaging of onions,potatoes and other vegetables and fruits. They are made on brand-new knitting Karl-Mayer machines from HD polyethilene tapes in
various colours and sizes.
They are packed on rolls of 2000-2500-3000 pcs,according to dimension.
Labels with customers logo may be attached to the bags.
They can be made with handle.
Standard colours are: red, golden yellow,orange.
-the mouth has drawstring or not
-they are packed in bales of 500-2000 pcs
-standard colours are: red,yellow,green,orange
RASCHEL SINGLE BAGS These bags are manufactured on sophisticated knitting machines . The bags are made from HD polyethilene material. They are appropriate for the packaging of potatoes, onions, citrus fruits and can be made in various sizes, colours and weights according to customer s order.
We are able to offer you various kind of Net Produtcs/ Packaging Bags
Dear Sirs,
We can offer you Rachel Bags