In todays competitive environment cost cutting and efficiency are the key tools that every industry has to apply to pose a good competition to its competitor and survive. In such market situation
the concept of returnable packaging is an effective tool for minimizing the product cost and maximizing your profits considerably. Returnable packaging helps in minimizing the cost of packaging in
three aspects. Packaging Cost: As compared to the traditional and conventional form of paper-corrugated boxes the life of boxes made out of HIMPAC sheets is trmendously high.The traditional
packaging gets torn and becomes unusable in 1 or 2 cycles whereas HIMPAC boxes can sustain tremendously high numbers of cycles. With 8-10 cycles of reusable packaging you will find the cost saving
in this application.Product Safety: Since HIMPAC sheets are water proof, chemical proof, vermin proof, shock absorbing and impact rsistant; hence it provides a much better safety to your product in
transit between vendor and OEM or direct consumer. These features of HIMPAC help in reducing loss or damage of your product in transit and also helps in proper storage of product in your warehouse
protecting the product from unsuitable environmental conditions.Transit Cost: Since HIMPAC is lightweight and has a good tear resistance that has made it an important part in your logistic
scenarios as it helps in reducing your transit and material handling cost
Returnable Packaging