Our Comic books cases and Comic Book Supplies are made from the highest quality with acid free plastics that enusre solid construction of the case.These Cases offer real protection from
mishandling by clueless people,sales clerks, friends and acidic fingerprints. These are the future ofcomic book cases because it protects the spine from creases, othersfrom touching or mishandling
the comic, and also protects the corners.Case prevents comics from crushing each other in a box or whentransporting your comics in a stack. A comic book in a bag and boardcan still be easily
mishandled, dropped, or mistreated casuing creasesfolds, bends, tears, etc. All of these things would damage the preciouscomic inside bringing the value of the comic down, while the XI Caseprotects
the comic very well once placed inside. These cases also willfit in your comic box and won't damage your comics if the box is halffull. The cases snaps together like a cd case that can easily be
viewed(front and back) without touching the case. Protects comics from the70's and up and also some 60's comics.
At ComicBookCases.com we bring you the latest devolpement inthe comic world. Are company was founded in 2007 as we were devolpingthe best perfect comic book case that would fit
every collector needs.We know how important protecting your comics is. Our cases will protectany comic against fingerprints, dropping, bending, creases,misshandling, transfering, and many other
damaging methods. We will beadding more products to help protect your comics very soon. So checkback with us to see any new products added. We give accurate, detailedinformation about our
This Comic Book Case is the future of cases. No more bag and board that can be damaged. Get a case that works.