- LunchAD? Not only can be distributed mass in the normal way through food courts. It can also be Flexible to be TAILORED MADE to reach out to it's selected target
audience so as to put the right advertisements to the right audience that most other medias may not be able to do so. Examples:
- Specific Product: ABC latex may like to select The ARMY with Data as, 10,000,000 pre-packed meals per year to 95% male who are aged between 18 to 45 years and about 50% married to
advertise for their latest brands of XYZ.
- Specific Location: Lost a Dog in China Town. Advertisement shows the picture of that dog, and distributed around that area's food outlets rather than advertising on an Island-wide
newspaper. OR
- With total of 9 panels that can be printed on, LunchAD? can also be Interactive & fun: Discount coupons and lucky draws can also be added make it livelier, fun full and
excitement to its advertisements.
LunchAD is successful because it has both PERFECT LOCATION & PERFECT TIMMING.