Writing and execution of DQ, IQ and OQ carried out by our factory trained engineers.
? Hour meter to record operation time.
? Static pressure transmitter. ( 4 - 20 mA )
? Variable blower speed control device.
? Germicidal U.V. light.
? Onsite validation.
A MINIHELIC gauge is used for static pressure measurement across the HEPA filters and also to monitor the blower performance.
Low voltage touch control panel in the front of the cabinet is used for the unit operation. The unit comes with the switchgear for safe & trouble free operation.
Pre-filters made from the fibre glass media to achieve high filtration efficiency and filtration accuracy of upto 5.0 microns. These are used to block major particles from the air within the hatch being sucked by the blowers and passing it through the discharge filters. Thus enhancing the life of discharge filters.
Discharge filters are generally HEPA filters certified to achieve an filtration efficiency of not less than 99.97% and filtration accuracy of 0.3 microns. Hence the discharge air complies with Class 100 U.S. Fed. Std. 209 - E.
A direct driven statically and dynamically balanced blower assembly with a volume control damper is used for air circulation within the cabinet. Easy access is provided to the blower compartment.
These units are factory assembled and are made up of S. S. 304 grade Stainless Steel material. These units have smooth welded corners.
The material to be transferred from one place to another is placed within the hatch from one end and the door is closed. And the material can be lifted from the other end from the hatch. The interlocking of the doors ensures only one door to be opened at a time.
It is used for transfer of material from one area to another with isolation by means of Mechanical / Electromagnetic door interlocking, which ensures opening of only one door at a time. Thus avoiding cross contamination between two area's.
Static/Dynamic Pass Box
It is used for transfer of material from one area to another with isolation by means of Mechanical
It is used for transfer of material from one area to another with isolation by means of Mechanical |