Plywood Boxes :
These plywood boxes are most heavily designed for worst case scenario and worst weather conditions. They can withstand all weathers and ideal for long storage times. These plywood boxes are multi
stackable and multi handleable designed for tailor made requirements.
Various quality of wood, steel, paper, liners are used to derive the most suitable economical and appropriate packing for sea and air freights, Export Packing are fulfilled as per all export norms and Conditions using all the required Methods.
Various methods of Packing are implemented using the latest state of Art Technology. The Designs are drafted and Animated on computers and tested for loads using special Program.
Industrial and Export Packing Boxes :
Caters to all Industrial requirements from packing of small Automobile Parts to Giants Gas Turbines, Aircraft Engines to Gear Boxes of Ships.
Caters to all Industrial requirements from packing of small Automobile Parts to Giants Gas Turbines,