> Gem Authentication Online Authentication - Digital Certificates Each GemLab certified real Gemstone passess through strict quality controls and extra care is taken right from procurement &
physical analysis, till final packing of the Gemstone. A unique Gem Identification Number (GIN) is issued for every gem which can be seen on the packing box. To give extra security a Twin
Certification System is followed, in addition to hard copy certificates for all gems, a digital certificate is also issued, which can be accessed with the help of Gem Track System (GTS) on
Internet. What is Gem Track System - GTS ? To provide online Digital Certification and Authenticate the originality of the gemstones, certified and packed by the company, GemLab has developted a
HiTech and highly Sophisticated System, one of its only kind in the world - Gem Track System - GTS . The GTS is the most secure & latest technology to authenticate the originality of the Gemstone.
Till date this technology was only used to authenticate high end electronic gadgets manufactured by MNC's. But now GemLab has brought this technology at your disposal to authenticate and verify the
credentials of your Gemstone, Anytime & Anywhere, around the Globe. How GTS Works ? > Gem Authentication