Preparation: Simply pour boiling water on it& or you can boil the teabag together with the water for a stronger tasting drink.Jiaogulan tea sachets can be kept in your cup because this tonifying
tea will not become bitter like other teas often do. Your Jiaogulan tea will become better... If it is getting too strong, you simply poor more boiling water on it.Specially packed to save its
delicate freshness in alufoil packs of 5 sachets each. Just keep an alufoil in your pocket wherever you go...For added flavor and benefits, you can boil this Five-Leaf-Jiagoluan tea (3 minutes)
together with the water.Box of 20gr Pricing for 1 or more contact us. Proceeds support the charity acitivties of the New Life Foundation, under the Patronage of H.R.H. The Princess