Wire baskets and other metal shipping containers are used to efficiently store and ship manufacturing material between departments, plants, suppliers, and customers. Parts and assemblies can be
easily moved from one work station to another by forklift, with no unnecessary handling or special fixtures. These metal containers come in a wide variety of styles, shapes, and sizes. Depending
upon their confguration and local custom, they may be called baskets, tote boxes, tubs, racks, etc The following are three of the many container types Best Weld repairs: WIRE BASKETS TOTE BOXES
("TUBS") FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSHow do metal containers compare with plastic ones? Plastic containers are usually less expensive to buy than metal containers, and they are usually lighter and
easier to store. Metal containers, on the other hand, are generally more rugged, hold heavier loads, and can be used to hold hot castings, parts with organic solvents on them (e.g., after being
taken from a parts cleaner or degreaser), and other items which could destroy or distort plastics. Metal baskets can usually tolerate abuse by forklift drivers and other users better than plastic
baskets. Although the initial price of plastic baskets is usually lower, the need to replace them more often than metal baskets makes metal containers the better choice in many manufacturing
applications.What is the life expectancy of metal containers? The life expectancy varies widely, depending upon such factors as their type of use, their storage environment, the amount of abuse the
containers receive while being handled, and the quality and frequency of maintenance repairs. Many of the containers that are sent to Best Weld as part of a regular maintenance program have been in
active manufacturing service for over 30 years and are still in good condition. Should containers be repainted after they are repaired? Painting the containers after repairing them helps to extend
their service life, particularly for containers which will be stored or used outdoors. After making weld repairs, Best Weld routinely spot-paints the weld areas to help protect these areas from
rust. However, spot-painting is not a substitute for a good coat of paint covering the entire container. For maximum service life, Best Weld recommends that containers be given a fresh coat of
paint after being repaired.Does Best Weld have the facilities to paint containers after they are repaired? Yes. In fact, most containers that we repair are repainted after being repaired. Some
customers prefer that we use only a primer coat (which is cheaper but less durable than a top coat), some customers want only a top coat applied, and some want both. The choice usually depends upon
the operating environment of the containers (e.g., outside storage vs. inside storage), the condition of the paint coat before the baskets are repaired, and budget considerations. For many
applications, a single top coat, applied over the previous paint coat, is adequate.