Gift Pack 03Gift Pack 03 contain 220 grams cookies with a Biokips Airtight storage container.This greatly BIOKIPS Hyundai imports from South Korea legitimately used by the United States Food and
Drug Administration through the detection of pollution-free materials made (PP resin and silicon), a fully enclosed performance.BIOKIPS applied CEM_BIO technology (one of advanced bio-technologies)
to plastic materials which emit far infrared rays to prevent the destruction of nutrition and denaturation/decay of foods to keep them fresh for a long time. In addition, the product is a lively
breathing container which lock on all sides with silicon packing to prevent moisture evaporation, thereby keeping the content fresh.It is OK to use BIOKIPS after microwave heating from
refrigerator.It come with a seperator.Promotion price RM 32.90.You can select any two flavour of cookies to pack into the container. To view the full list of the cookies available, please click
Gift Pack 03