Code Description R/Unit MFG 50ml liqueur & 2 glasses in miniature black carton box R50.00 Flavours available: Fennel, honey, lemon, nut, other, peppermint, rooibos, youngberry MFF Any 2 x 250ml
bottles in black carton box R35.00 Flavours available: Fennel, honey, lemon, nut, other, peppermint, rooibos, youngberry FC1 YB 250ml Youngberry liqueur, jam, nougat & chocolates R81.00 FC1
(Y/H/L/R) 250ml liqueur, nougat, chocolates in black carton box R81.00 Flavours available: Honey, lemon, nut, rooibos, FC1 YS 250ml non-alcoholic youngberry dessert syrup, jam, nougat
&chocolates in black carton box R75.00 FC2 Any 1 x 250ml bottle liqueuer with 2 schnapps glasses in black carton box R76.00 Flavours available: Fennel, honey, lemon, nut, other, peppermint,
rooibos, youngberry MG 50ml liqueuer with chocolates in gold carton box R40.00 Flavours available: Fennel, honey, lemon, nut, other, peppermint, rooibos, youngberry Min-Caddy Any 3 x 50ml bottle
liqueur in caddy box R40.00 Flavours available: Fennel, honey, lemon, nut, other, peppermint, rooibos, youngberry MFC 50 ml bottle liqueur & chocolates in miniature black carton box R38.00 Flavours
available: Fennel, honey, lemon, nut, other, peppermint, rooibos, youngberry DC 250ml in black box (all flav) R40.00 Crackers 50ml in Holly cracker R20.00 Prices exclude VAT