Lam Dong is a provincelocated in South Tay Nguyen, with most area is bazan red landdistributed mainly at the height 800-1600m comparing with sea level,temperature is 18 22
0C, annual
average rainfall is 1800 2600 mm, a suitable condition for tea development, especially Oolongtea. Climate and soil are two most important factors for developingoptimal quality of tea tree.
Before, after doing research on land condition, French built up coffeeplantations in this land. Through many rise and fall, presently LamDong high-land tea tree affirmed its
position in the market. Makingfull use of this material source, Tam Chau company built a coffeeprocessing workshop equipped with USA equipment, machinery with acapacity of 200tons/ year, not only
serving domestic demands but alsoexporting to France, USA
Tam Chau coffee with selective coffee grain and production pursuant tofresh technology, flavor and additive embalmed limitation created purecoffee products with a private
style and position in the coffeeproduction and trading market.
Tam Chau coffee with selective coffee grain and production pursuant to fresh technology, flavor and additive embalmed limitation