Jiann Gwo has designed a swan shaped bottle that permits easy dispensing of the product, with just a squeeze of the bottle you product will be dispensed. These bottles are ideal for cleansers, hand
wash soaps, liquid milk lotion or personal hygiene products.
The ease of use makes Jiann Gwos bottles ideal for schools, hospitals, public toilets, even for your office or home.
They are available in 250 ml and 500ml and come in plastic PP for the cap and plastic LDPE for the bottle. They always attempt to excel when it comes to innovation and are well known for providing
the best possible customer service.
Jiann Gwo Plastic has advanced computerizing auto plastic manufacturing equipment, printing, hot stamping and moulding equipment. Since 2000, JG Plastic has obtained the quality management
system certified by ISO 9001.
One squeeze dispensing bottle by Jiann Gwo