Price: $14.99
Our most popular jar. Burns 90 - 115 hours
Available Options:
Antique Rose - Mauve Bayberry - Green Birthday Cake Black Cherry - Black Blueberry - Navy Bluebonnet - Royal Blue Cappuccino - Tan Cedar - Orange Chocolate Fudge - Chocolate
Christmas - Deep Red Cinnamon - Brown Citronella - White Country Spice - Rosy Tan Eucalyptus - Pale Green Fig Apple - Sping Green Frangipani - Seafoam Green French Vanilla - Ivory
Fresh Apples - Bright Red Fruit Basket - Deep Red Gardenia - Pale Yellow Herbal Garden - Sage Green High Tide - Blue Green Holiday Wishes - Deep Red Honeysuckle - Cream Jasmine -
Yellow Leather - Brown Lemon Verbena - Yellow Lily of the Valley - White Magnolia - Pale Yellow Mango Melon Mulberry - Light Burgundy Mulberry Cream - Ivory Orange Cranberry -
Golden Ivory Patchouli - Caramel Peppermint - White Pina Colada - White Plum Pudding - Burgundy Pumpkin Pie - Pumpkin Orange Rain - Slate Blue Sandalwood (Taupe) Snow Cedar -
White Spruce - Green Strawberry - Red Sugar Cookie - Dark Cream Sunflower - Golden Yellow Sweet Currant Sweet Lavender - Pastel Lavender Unscented - White Vanilla Hazelnut - Dark
Cream Vanilla Orange - Pale Orange Winter Woods - Gray Winterberry - Red